...does not include cankerworms.
My home town may profess to being the mosquito capital of the world, but it is the cankerworm that is currently the bane of our existence. Frankly, I would rather sit in a lawn chair and satisfyingly snuff out ten mosquitoes than encounter a single cankerworm dangling from a tree between my two crossed eyes. And it is only a matter of time before someone here in town riding his bike – quite likely me – meets a sudden demise by swerving into the path of an oncoming bus in order to avoid a fat, precarious cankerworm rappelling from a ravaged elm above. I may be a sufficient representative of modern man with the ability to think and such, but it is not beyond me to gag at the thought of a simple cankerworm finding its way somehow onto my person.
So thank you, Illustration Friday, for providing a pleasing enough word-of-the-week as paradise – only to have one of my few neuroses whole-heartedly take over.
Click here for access to a better look at the detail.
Addendum! The completed Flickr photo-set of our May vacation to New York City is now up. Stop by and have a peek.
Ha ha!! This is sooooo good! I'd have to agree--these are truly pests, up there with mosquitos--annoying indeed. Great, original piece (and ver fun to read).
Very cool idea. Well done.
Ewwwew Gross! This is a great illo! What a comical characterization. Some time google "Camel Spider". Ive busted two of those in my house already. Gnarley. Tarantula season is just around the corner too. Again I really like your worms.
great work! and educational, as well
Eeeewwwww! I loved it as I scrolled down...then I got to the cankerworms. Eww.
brilliant, jeope. simply, brilliant:)
This is great!! Made me laugh...and agree with you!
this is very good. a great ironic composition. and i love zee texchure!
I thought you had gone all warm and fuzzy on us with that lovely textured background... very calm and very zen...I thought it was going to be a meditative mood piece. I scrolled down slowly, feeling my chakras opening and my soul settling into a happy place... I should have known better, really... You totally crack me up! This is brilliant in every way. I guess the only thing that really sucks is that you have to deal with those worms. Oh well.. even worms seem to inspire you! Well done, Jeope!
Great colors, at first. Then surprise, surprise! Well executed...
Just read you were away, is it still possible to email me?
Cheers ;)
hey! long time no see!! the illos are excellent, as usual :)
Buen trabajo!!!!
Me encanto tu ilustración...Unico!!!!
MMMMMMMMMM. Interesting work. congratulations. Good idea
just like several others on here, you had me with the calm, serene feel to this.. I was picturing it as 3 seperate canvases, hung side by side, I was being inspired to create art for my new apartment... maybe even offering to buy art from you.
..and then..
..there were bugs. hehe.
the unexpected. good work.
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