Top row (left to right): synchronized swatches!*; glass car on blue sky. Middle row (left to right): living-room lamp abstract; our new dinnerware is making you sleepy; the bedroom bamboo. Bottom row: me, flashing myself at night.
I didn't do it cuz' it's cheap / I didn't do it for the freedom / You know what? / I did it 'cuz sugar and milk is good eatin'. – Mcenroe, "Cereal For Dinner"
It's Manitoba's inaugural Louis Riel Day long weekend, Kerry and her sister are girling it up in New York and Philadelphia – and I'm reacquainting myself with the camera, having only taken a few shots with it since New Years. And all the while I've managed to squeeze in a few bachelor weekend essentials: leftover pizza for breakfast, leftover pizza for dinner, Hockey Night In Canada with a brownie and ice cream, White Stripes turned up to 11 and watching a tape of The Big Lebowski while my inner dude abides. Yessir, the February long weekend has been the greatest addition to Canadian society since universal public medicare.
(* if you get this reference, then a gold star for you.)
Brownie and ice cream??? *jealous* So while most Canadians and Americans were enjoying their gumbugglers, I was here slaving away. Pfft.
P.S. < sing songy > I get to see your wife tonight, and you don't! Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyaaaaah nyah! < /sing songy >
Low blow! I'm putting your slaving butt to work in my navy after I Battleship you into the history books.
Parker Lewis can't lose...
Coolness, Park – gold star for Colette.
Now if only I could get Heather off to New York whilst I eat pizza and drink beer!
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