I love Illustration Friday's current theme of clique, in my mind one of their most creative keywords in weeks. Originally I was going to try and draw a caricature of my Grade 10 class photo – all gawky mullet and seven-hair moustache, a look that successfully shunned any and all area high school cliques – but an evening on the couch with Kerry, watching Flight of the Conchords, changed all that. My feet were on her lap, she was tugging on my big toe, and I realized how much of an oddball that fellow is (and by extension, how clique-y the remaining toes are). This image above (but with toes) popped into my head. But toes aren't quite as expressive as fingers (and in my case, hardly photogenic), so I opted for a hand instead. And from there – as you can see – it was an amazingly simple concept to produce. The only special skill involved was matching up my facial pen doodles to the original hand photo.
You can click here, for a slightly larger view.
That is an awesome illo. I like it!
funny idea!! Love the illo!
Very creative take.
Excellent solution Jeope and totally original. Its also very funny indeed. Well done on an excellent piece of work!
LOL. What a great use of the word. Love it!
What a GREAT idea... wish I had thought of it... :0)
Awesome piece/concept Jeope!
I like this! I love things with hands. I also agree about the topic and that of past topics
aw, the sad life of a thumb. Very good concept! Great illustration! Well executed!
This illo is so much fun! Love it!
Hee, that's funny. That clique of fingers may think Mr. Thumb is dorky, but they'd be in big trouble without him!
This is so clever and fun.
Hey, wow. Thanks everybody.
love this one. really terrific.
this is so cooool
i'm a bit behind! love the thought process... :)
aww poor thumby..
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