August 06, 2007


... and the living is busy.

It's high time for another late-summer shutdown. Much like what happened about this time last year, my interests just don't seem to be tuned into this site (my little SiteMeter dealie, and your lack of comments ... yeah, you ... suggest the same). August brings with it much to be done, had and enjoyed – primarily away from this computer-machine. So unless some freak streak of imagination strikes me, expect a return in just over a month's time.

Chances are a few photos will pop up o'er on Flickr, so don't give up on that front. I may also post from the vault for any relevant Photo Friday themes. But otherwise, relax. Stay cool like the Fonz.

August 01, 2007

120: Photomiscellanea V

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Top row (left to right): Kerry by firelight in Spruce Woods Provincial Park; the concession is a little quiet at the drive-in. Middle row (left to right): boots on wires at sunset (at Wolseley & Raglan); columbine in our front yard. Bottom row (left to right): awaiting The Simpsons Movie at the drive-in; Kerry readies a marshmallow for a deluxe s'more.

The "new photos" folder on our desktop has been piling up all summer, recently ignored as a pair of heat waves made the attic swelteringly unattractive. But a reprieve from the humidity tonight has given me the chance to conduct a search and show some of what I've been up to over the past few weeks.

With the exception of the columbine image, these have not made it over to Flickr in their higher-resolution glory yet ... but soon. First I gotta tend to my HOWieZine submission, which is lagging just a tad.