Christmas is viewed as a season unto itself, and that is no more true it seems than for us this winter. Kerry and I will be engaged – moreso – in all manner of familial comings and goings from now, straight into January. So, to wind up Jeopopolis for 2007 – its smash, best-selling, awesomenatious third fantastic year – I present our Christmas tree in all its glory. This winter we opted for a locally-grown red pine that had to be hewn at the lot just to fit on top of our poor, laden Civic – and also under our ceiling. I think this may just be the largest tree I've had in all my Christmases. But it commands the hell out of the room, and smells delicious. A better look at this shot can be had here, o'er on Flickr.

And, in the spirit of the season, the Mac-heads at work sat for a quick, pot-light photo shoot so I could create the design department's third annual e-card to the company. "Buffles" is short for buffleheads – quick, small diving ducks that make their home near many a northern Canadian lake (and also known as butterballs in hunting circles).
Merry Christmas Jeope! :)
Awesome tree. Awesome card. Awesome Christmas. Hope it was a good one!
What a beautiful photo of your Christmas tree! I'm so happy for you! *Big hugs!*
Happy New Year! I hadn't visited your blog in awhile.. who knows why.. but it as so great to see all of the wonderful work and fun you've been up to !
Happy 2008 to you and yours :)
I'm popping in to say hello - I haven't been much of a blogger either, although my reasons aren't quite as good as yours:> Congratulations on your engagement! There's nothing quite as perfect as marrying someone you've been with for a loooong time - everything is the same but the loose ends feel all tidied up, and you get to say "husband" and "wife" when referring to the other person. It's all so wonderfully legitimate! Jol & I just got married after 9 years together, so I am speaking from my experience at least:> Anyway, best wishes to you and Kerry (congrats on the book, Kerry) in the new year!
ugh, that's SO FUN. we had some senior poser steal an illustration from ISTOCK and then we sent it out. totally horrible. .....
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