But my buddy Dwight and I checked out Kung Fu Hustle yesterday afternoon. I only knew it was touted as being bizarre, funny and original. I heard comparisons to the Roadrunner and Coyote or The Three Stooges, mixed in with classic kung fu fare. And that it was very, very fun.
Which it was. I cannot remember the last movie that left my mouth open the entire time. This is a movie that Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbes fame) could've made. Stellar effects. Consistently outrageous. Silly and fun. The only thing I can compare it to (as I told Dwight) is The Story Of Ricky – a similar, yet unintentionally hilarious, kung fu flick with an Evil Dead budget (although hard to find). I highly recommend both movies for anyone looking to reconnect with their inner six-year-old. Righteous!
i gotta see that one. it looks like fun.
did you see it with a dwight of the toupin variety?
Yessir. We hadn't actually seen each other in a few months.
The movie is great. There's an opening dance sequence - if you can believe it - that keeps cracking me up.
Yo...we gotta hang. I'm almost free!
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