It's crunch-time for house preparations. Packing has started in earnest. Details are being attended to. One thing that will get lost in the hubbub, besides my mind, will be this site. So, much like the big TV networks, I may resort to summer reruns. Like this guy, for Illustration Friday's theme-o-the-week: heroes. This is Duncanman: Sadsack Hero (and his robot sidekick, Number Two). Duncanman was spawned at a department meeting some time ago, back when my only creative spark seemed to arise from department meetings (I think it was the nonstop droning that would trigger my sketching bone). Duncanman was originally drawn on grid paper with a black 01 Sakura Pigma Micron pen, scanned, and tweaked in Photoshop to get rid of the blue grid background.
Side note: Duncanman is not based on either of the Duncans I know in real life.
How fun! Love the little robot.
Funny!! I lov his face and the robot tooo! =)
You sure D isn't for droning, you wanted to dunk your big bellied boss and you were the sad sack? Both triggered my funnybone - great drawing :)
interesting! and great detailing of the shadow. this is funny and nice!
And here I was hoping for someone who fought the forces of evil using a yo-yo…
wow.. YOU are an IF hero for participating in all your choas! omg.. you are dedicated :)
classic. Good enough to be an additional character for the tick.
I love this drawing...great job!
i giggled when i saw this! i love your style
Cute Jeope. I like the feel of it. Great as usual. Good luck with the packing... I know exactly how you feeeeeellll! I move Saturday... finally. :) Happy packing!
Hello Jeope!... First I want to thank you for the constructive critic you post on my Blog; you are right my housband asked me the same thing, if I could put the illustration in a bigger size because I lose a lot of detail in this size, so I will take your observation and for next time I will try to put them bigger. ;) And yes, it's a chipmunk, I know I cheated a little bit om the tail.
And now, about yours, I really like the style of your illustration "Duncanman and his robot"... Have a nice day!
I love both of their faces. The 'bear belly' is cute too!
The robot rocks! Dunceman is great too- as the late great Frank Zappa said, the firs element should be stupidity, because it's much more common than Hydrogen!
post pics of the HOUSE! C'mon you know you wanna! ;-) Good luck!
Love the illustration! When you get a chance, shoot me an e-mail and tell me about this whole "Illustration Friday" thing.
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