Probably one of the more premier examples of first drawing something, then working backwards to fit Illustration Friday's theme-of-the-week (contained) – though not entirely the case to begin with. My initial idea was to sketch a run-of-the-mill bunny rabbit, duplicate it and place a squiggly spiral (see above) over one to illustrate the difference between a content rabbit and one displaying contained rage. But then I opted for a chipmunk. And then, it veered in this slightly different direction.
Drawn with a .005 Pigma Micron pen (using a field guide for reference), then layered in Photoshop with paper texture, text additions from Illustrator and scanned/clipped book copy. Click here for a much better look at the detail (recommended!).
this is a wonderfully creative illustration, great work
This is very well executed, and funny :)
Great detail!! Chipmonks are fun little animals. We have a lot around campus and they are always running around after each other. Some days I have to contain myself from trying to catch one...They would make a great pocket-size pet ;P
Beyond Awesome!!! Very cool Jeope! Very cool indeed... ;) Visualized frustration and nostralogic twitching... LOL. You rock dude! Keep 'em coming... cheers!
Wow, thanks you guys. Nice things to read on a freezing morning.
Your illustrations totally rock! I love reading about your thought & technical process, and the final product is always superb. I have a fondness for chipmunks, so I especially like what you did here. Great humor:)
This is great, the combination of scientific style rendering with dryly humorous text... well done!
great line work and I love the idea :)
How clever! Love the detail!
I appreciate all of the work that you put into this piece. Very impressive.
Ha ha- really great. Stunning ink work!
Bloody well done.
I can barely contain my joy from seeing this diagram.
Contain that bloody joy! Thanks James.
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