A quickie.
There was recent talk on the HOW forums that I inhabit, about the word flavour. Fellow forum haunt Von Glitschka was asking people about the foods they abhorred as children for his submission to Illustration Friday – and natch, some of the same words got repeated over and over: Brussels sprouts, liver, mushy peas. Broccoli was mentioned specifically as a terror for kids, but that's a known fact by now. Even the President has been openly vocal about it.
The word got me thinking though – about the flavours I hated and liked as a kid. I hated fried onions (still do). I hated the giant two-ton sack of puffed wheat cereal my mom would buy. I hated rice pudding and raisins in baking. When I was very little I hated pizza, and would opt for spaghetti whenever the family went out for pizza. Nobody seemed to mind.
But I liked all those despised foods mentioned above: Brussels sprouts, liver (chicken livers, especially), mushy peas, casseroles ... even broccoli. I ate my broccoli so fervently I pretended I was cutting felled trees with a chainsaw. And sometimes I even made the noises for it.
Side note: I tried out the Pigma brush pen I bought awhile back for the first time. It was a little clumsy working with it, but the thicks and thins it provides are kind of cool. I might rework the quickie colour-work added to this one; I'm not that tickled about it. I may change it down the line.
I like your image and can hear the chainsaw!!!
Like it too! :)
Good sketch and nice facial expressions!
I loved roast pumkin as a kid but hated mashed pumkin. I'd gag on the stuff, but still have to eat it...
All the best in 2006!
Ok-I have one -Creamed peas on toast! God awful. That to me was a culinary hindenburg! No amount of salt, spice or pepper could help that nightmare on a plate. Loved this post. Well done.
Geez, you were really fussy, buddy boy.
This completely cracked me up, especially since I have just finished a very spartan container of steamed broccoli that was half of my lunch. The other half...a protein shake. I hardly felt like a lumberjack cutting down a tree...more like a sinner doing penance for holiday overindulgences. Even so...what a really great illo full of humor! I have been hearing about pigma brush pens...will have to look into them. This turned out really well. How quick is a quickie? (drawing, that is)
ha! love it! I also like the way your header really pops now. Like Carla I'm curious...when you say "quickie" how long is that?
I shouldn't say "quickie" mebbe. The concept was quickly thought of. This was the first time I've posted something here that was relatively hurried, only because I wasn't really getting into it - so I hurried up and just finished, instead of making it 'just so'. All in all, with lots of breaks, it prolly took about 2-3 hours from start to end.
i love brocolli too and so does my two year old. great illo. :)
hey... great new header there! Looks good!
Good luck on the resolution of keeping a sketchbook. This is a great idea... I need to do the same. My problem is I have too many pages that are BAD... I always end up tearing them out.
hey jeope, sarah and i were just perusing your blog when she asked me where your name came from. i looked at her for a few seconds before i realized that i had no idea. so i googled "jeope" hoping to find some insight, but all i could find were links to your blog, to howiezine, to ducks unlimited and all that jazz! so answer the question once and for all, where does the name jeope come from? :-)
It came out of the thin air, and has no historical or cultural background (though a bunch of Dutch sites show up in a Google for 'joepe'). My mom said I'd like it when I became a designer because it's all circles. A customer on my old newspaper route had the best theory: that my parents were stoned.
Vile Weed!
I still hate Brocolli. I love peas and brussel sprouts now though.
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